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GOABA Race Back To School Supplies Donation

  • 12 Aug 2023
  • 15 Sep 2023
  • links provided in the details

This is an opportunity to support two Title I and Poverty schools in Orange and Osceola County. We've asked for their supplies listing and they provided them. Please join to help the Greater Orlando Alliance of Black Accountants, Inc. in supporting the bright minds of our future leaders and their educators by secure the necessary items they need to be successful. 

Click here → Mill Creek Elementary or Memorial Middle School to access the respective schools supplies list. As you purchase within the link the "has" quantity will update to enable the purchaser to determine remaining quantity need.

Please note the following details to pay attention to and actions to take:

  1. Add your selected item to the cart
  2. Click on view
  3. Click "this a gift item" (avoid receipt being sent to school)
  4. Check out - P O Number message - Enter 2023-Schools Donations (This will assist us in identifying the group effort) (optional)
    • Be sure to select school of choice address and NOT GOABA's (You can support both schools if you wish, I did )
  5. Please copy the following message to be sent with the gift. Be sure to save the copied message.
    • Supporting our teachers for your dedication and commitment to ensuring our future leaders are prepared for their future. Thank you!
  6. Check email recipient. This will allow the school to know the items were delivered. See email address for each school recipient. (If multiple items are                purchased you are required to check email recipient for each item and to enter the email address.
    • Mill Creek Elementary - veronica.russo@osceolaschools.net
    • Memorial Middle School - stacyann.daley@ocps.net
  7. Payment method - Enter your information and check "ONLY ME". Be sure to remove your payment information once complete.
  8. Select free delivery (the items will be sent directly to the selected school address)

Special Shout out to those of you who have donated already! Thank you!!

GREATER ORLANDO ALLIANCE OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS INC. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 92-0977760).


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